Enter the Dumbgeon

Mondays at 6:30 pm EST streaming on Twitch at twitch.tv/BigD065

This game consists of some viewers and fellow streamers.

Story So Far

This story takes place in the area of Estonfel, a large island that was ravaged by a war between humanoids and dragonborne about 200 years prior to our story. Emotions still run hot towards dragonborne and anything scaled, including kobalds, triton, etc. We have just begun, with a small party meeting by stumbling across a town, Maldongrot, where illness was running rampant. The rest of the story is being discovered and expanded. One had been trying to make a small living crafting there, 2 had recently arrived looking for someone, and the last had just arrived as we began. They have so far resolved the issue that was poisoning the town and are in Kahlibaar, the main city of this land, to find the one responsible for the poisoning. Kahlibaar however is even more hectic than normal, preparing for a large festival celebrating the anniversary of the ending of the great war between dragon-kin and humanity.